Terms of Service

Welcome to DancePatron!

To summarize: by using DancePatron you agree to these terms.


These are DancePatron’s terms of use, and they apply to all users of the DancePatron platform. “We,” “our” or “us” refers to DancePatron Inc. and our subsidiaries. “DancePatron” refers to this platform and the services offered by us. By using DancePatron you agree to these terms and to the other policies we post. Please read them carefully and let us know if you have any questions. For information about our data practices, please see our Privacy Policy, including our Cookie Policy. We can collect and use your information in accordance with those policies.


Your account

To summarize: You must be at least 13 years old to register for an account. You are responsible for your account.


When you create an account you must provide us with accurate information, in good faith, and you agree to keep your information updated if it changes. To create an account you must be at least 13 years old. To join a creator’s membership as a patron, or provide a membership as a creator, you must be at least 18 years old or have your parent’s permission. You are responsible for anything that occurs when anyone is signed in to your account, as well as the security of the account. Please contact us immediately if you believe your account is compromised. You can learn more about security on our Security Policy page.


Abusive conduct

To summarize: Be responsible and don’t violate our policies.


You are responsible for all activity on your account. If you violate our policies we may terminate your account. Don’t do anything illegal, abusive towards others, or that abuses our site in a technical way. If you are a creator raising funds on DancePatron, we may be held accountable for what you do with those funds. As a result, we also look at what you do with your membership off our platform. You can find more detailed information in the Community Guidelines and Security Policy. These policies cover most issues, but if you find a new and creative way to hurt DancePatron or our community we may take action to prevent it.


All about being a creator

To summarize: A creator is someone who creates a membership page on DancePatron to engage with patrons who have purchased memberships from DancePatron to support the creator’s creations. There are a lot of details below involving payments, fees, taxes and restrictions that you should read in full if you are a creator.



To become a creator, simply launch your page to start your membership. When you join DancePatron, you become part of the DancePatron community. You can use creator tools that DancePatron provides, showcase your creations, provide merchandise to patrons through DancePatron’s Merch service, and receive recurring revenue from your page. Memberships are for your most passionate fans. On DancePatron, you can provide your patrons something exciting that gives them unique benefits they want, like additional access, merchandise, exclusivity, and engaging experiences. In turn, you will receive loyal support from your patrons, and recurring revenue from memberships that patrons have purchased from DancePatron.



As a creator you make your membership available on DancePatron, and we provide membership to your patrons on a subscription basis. We also handle payments issues such as fraud, chargebacks and resolution of payments disputes. We try to provide timely access to your funds, but you may occasionally experience delays in accessing your funds. We may also block or hold payments for violations of our policies or for compliance reasons, including collecting tax reporting information. When payments are delayed or blocked we try to communicate the reason to you promptly. If you have questions about a payments block, please reach out to us. In order to protect creators, we may block patrons’ payments if we believe them to be fraudulent. Sometimes activities like refunds can put your account balance into the negative. If your balance becomes negative then we reserve the right to recover those funds from future payments. If you are a creator of 18+ content, to comply with payment processing rules you must verify that participants in your content are the age of majority, and you must store their consent to participate. A consent form template is located in our Help Center, where you may get additional information about these requirements.




As a creator there are two fees associated with your membership on DancePatron. The first is the platform fee, which varies depending on the level of service you select. The second is the payment processing fee, which is dependent on the currency selected by the creator.


  • The payment processing fee in US Dollars is 2.9% plus $0.30 per successful pledge for pledges over $3, and 5% fee plus $0.10 per successful pledge for pledges of $3 or less.PayPal payments from non-US patrons have an additional 1% fee. Founding creators have a legacy platform fee and the legacy payment processing rate. The legacy payment processing rate varies depending on a number of factors, including the membership subscription amount, card type and number of other memberships joined by a patron.
  • The payment processing fee in Euro is 3.4% plus €0.35 per successful pledge for pledges over €3, and 5% fee plus €0.15 per successful pledge for pledges of €3 or less.
  • The payment processing fee in British Pounds is 3.4% plus £0.35 per successful pledge for pledges over £3, and 5% fee plus £0.15 per successful pledge for pledges of £3 or less.
  • The payment processing fee in Canadian Dollars is 3.2% plus CA$0.35 per successful pledge for pledges over CA$3, and 5% fee plus CA$0.10 per successful pledge for pledges of CA$3 or less.
  • The payment processing fee in Australian Dollars is 3.0% plus AU$0.30 per successful pledge for pledges over AU$3, and 5% fee plus AU$0.10 per successful pledge for pledges of AU$3 or less.
  • You can see how much processing fees are for any membership subscription on your creator dashboard.
  • Depending on your patrons’ locations, some banks may charge your patron a foreign transaction fee for their membership subscription. DancePatron does not control this charge, but it is typically around 3.0% .


We collect tax identification information and report this to tax authorities as legally required. You are responsible for reporting any income or withholding taxes which may be due as a result of payments received. You can learn more in our Tax Help Center. We are additionally responsible for a number of transactional taxes across the world. These include but are not limited to VAT on payments for electronically supplied services to patrons in the EU, GST as an operator of an electronic distribution platform (EDP) within Australia, and state sales tax as a result of ‘marketplace laws’ within the United States. For the purpose of electronically-supplied services, creators make a supply of those services to us, and then we supply them to the patron. To learn more about how we handle transaction taxes, please check our VAT guide. In locales where DancePatron is required to collect transaction tax from patrons, pledges processed from patrons will reflect the tier or custom pledge amount plus the applicable tax. Applicable tax will not be taken from a pledge, but rather will be charged in addition to the pledge. Once settled, the tax amount will be automatically deducted for remittance to the applicable taxing authority. A record of the transaction tax portion of the pledge will be available on your earnings details page. As a creator on our site, it is your responsibility to provide accurate information when you are engaging with the sales tax weighting tool and, generally, when listing benefits transferred within your tiers.




We don’t allow creations and benefits that violate our policies. You can learn more by visiting our Community Guidelines and Benefit Guidelines. A summary of those rules is that we don’t allow:

Illegal creations or benefits.

Creations or benefits that are abusive towards other people.

Creations or benefits that use others’ intellectual property, unless you have written permission to use it, or your use is protected by fair use.

Creations or benefits with real people engaging in sexual acts.

Benefits that involve raffles or prizes based on chance.

If your fans include people under the age of 18, then please remind them that they need permission to join your membership, and those under the age of 13 cannot use DancePatron. We are not required to allow any particular person or group of persons to be your patron.

As a creator you are also responsible for keeping patron data safe. You can see what is required in our Data Processing Agreement. An account is tied to your creative output and cannot be sold or transferred for use by another creator.


All about being a patron

To summarize: A patron is someone who purchases memberships from DancePatron to support their favorite creators’ creations. Through a paid membership on DancePatron, patrons directly interact with creators they support, using tools supplied by DancePatron, and through our platform have the opportunity to engage with a greater community of patrons and creators.


As a patron, you’re joining DancePatron to be part of an exciting movement to support a creator’s membership while you get special benefits, which may include access to your creator, merchandise (when offered), exclusivity, and engaging experiences with the creator and patron community. In exchange, you pay DancePatron for membership programs, on a subscription basis, to access and support creators you like.

The timing and amount of each membership subscription depends on the type of membership agreement you enter into, and the creator you support. You can see the details as you join, as well as in the receipt sent to you after each successful payment. You can view all your active membership subscriptions and billing history on your membership page.


To become a patron, simply create an account, add your preferred payment method, and join a membership program on DancePatron to start supporting your creator! There are three types of membership subscriptions. One is a monthly subscription where you pay per month. The second is a per creation subscription where you pay based on the number of creations a creator posts in that month. You can set a limit on the number of creations you pay for in a single month under the per subscription model. The third membership option is an annual membership, where you pay for a year of access up front, at a discounted rate. Not all offerings allow for all three subscription types. Your options will be presented to you in the payment flow.

You may cancel your membership payments at any time. Annual memberships may be cancelled, or increased, but not lowered. Terminating or lowering the tier support of membership will go into effect in the subsequent (not current) payment term, except for annual memberships which can be terminated or increased but not lowered. Increasing your payment to a higher tier level in an annual membership will go into effect in the current payment term. When you increase your payment for an annual membership during the term, you will get a credit for any payment already made in that term.

For monthly or per creation payments, canceling your support may result in your loss of access to a creator’s patron-only posts and benefits.

These include when you cancel your membership subscription, your payment method fails, the creator blocks you, or the creator deletes their account. We are not required to allow you to be a patron of any particular creator.


Creators’ memberships vary and we have limited control over the quality and specific offerings. We attempt to screen for fraudulent creator pages, but cannot guarantee the identity of creators or the validity of any claims they make. We appreciate your help reporting suspicious creator pages so we can keep DancePatron safe.


If you are located in the jurisdiction in which DancePatron is required to charge and collect tax (e.g. VAT or, sales tax), then this tax is added to the total charge. Except in limited circumstances, this tax is shown when you set up the initial membership subscription. DancePatron remits all tax collected to the applicable taxing authority. As tax is largely dependent on your location, you are responsible for keeping your address complete and up to date.

Depending on your location, some banks may charge you a foreign transaction fee for your membership subscription. DancePatron does not control this charge, but it is typically around 3% . Please contact your bank for more information.

Refunds. Our policy is No Refunds, though we will allow for some exceptions where refunds are granted in our sole discretion.


DancePatron's role

To summarize: We proactively look at some pages and posts on DancePatron and review reported pages to identify potential violations of our guidelines.


We proactively look at some pages and posts on DancePatron to make sure creators follow our Community Guidelines and Benefits Guidelines. We also investigate reports of potential violations. These investigations may take a while to resolve and may include looking at what is supported by funds received through DancePatron.

In most situations we will work with creators to resolve any potential violations and allow the creator to continue using DancePatron. Terminating accounts is not an action we take lightly and is done in only the most extreme cases.

DancePatron reserves the right to remove a creator or patron from participating in annual memberships. Removal of the creator or patron from participation in annual memberships will prohibit the creator from accepting new annual payments, and prohibit the patron from making new annual payments, but will not result in an automatic removal of the creator or patron from the platform, unless there is an independent basis for their removal from the platform.

Please let us know if you see potential violations of our Community Guidelines. You can learn how to report them here.

As a global company based in the United States with operations in other countries, we must comply with economic sanctions and trade restrictions, including those implemented by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This means that DancePatron cannot take part in transactions that involve designated people, places, or items that originate from those places, as determined by agencies like OFAC. You can read our Sanctions Policy here.

We are constantly testing out new features with the goal of making DancePatron better. We may add or remove features, and often test features with a random subset of our community. If we believe a feature is significantly different from these terms, then we explain those differences in the test.

With your permission, we may give other websites or services the ability to verify information about your DancePatron account or perform actions on your behalf. This permission is asked for when you connect your DancePatron account to these other websites or services. You can learn more in our Privacy Policy.


Account deletion

To summarize: You can delete your account here. We can disable your account at our discretion.


You can permanently delete your account at any time by going to our Privacy Center. On that page you can also see what information is deleted and what we continue to store after the account is deleted. We can terminate or suspend your account at any time at our discretion. We can also cancel any membership subscriptions and remove any descriptions, posts or benefits at our discretion. You may not bring a claim against us for suspending or terminating another person’s account, and you agree you will not bring such a claim. If you try to bring such a claim, you are responsible for the damages caused, including attorneys fees and costs. These terms remain in effect even if you no longer have an account.


Your creations

To summarize: You keep complete ownership of all creations, but you give us permission to use them on DancePatron. Make sure you have permission to use creations that you offer on DancePatron.


You keep full ownership of all creations that you offer on DancePatron, but we need licenses from you to operate DancePatron effectively. By posting creations on DancePatron you grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, sublicensable, worldwide license to use, reproduce, distribute, perform, publicly display or prepare derivative works of your creation. The purpose of this license is strictly limited to allow us to provide and promote memberships to your patrons. We will never try to steal your creations or use them in an exploitative way. You may not post creations that infringe others’ intellectual property or proprietary rights. We may ask you for consent verification for collaborators depicted in content funded through DancePatron. Patrons may not use creations posted by creators in any way not authorized by the creator.


Your third-party apps

To summarize: You may grant DancePatron permission to access third-party apps. You may also revoke that permission.


You may grant DancePatron access to your third-party accounts, such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Twitch, in order for some DancePatron features to operate. Each time you connect your third-party account, that third-party account will present a page that describes the information that DancePatron can access. At any time, you can revoke DancePatron’s access to those accounts using the respective third party’s security settings page. These are the links for each service:



Google Terms of Service Privacy Policy Revoke Patreon’s Access
YouTube Terms of Service Privacy Policy Revoke Patreon’s Access
Facebook Terms of Service Privacy Policy Revoke Patreon’s Access
Instagram Terms of Service Privacy Policy Revoke Patreon’s Access
Twitter Terms of Service Privacy Policy Revoke Patreon’s Access
Twitch Terms of Service Privacy Policy Revoke Patreon’s Access






DancePatron's creations

To summarize: You can use our copyrights or trademarks to promote your DancePatron page, but can’t use them for anything else without our permission.


Our creations are protected by copyright, trademark and trade secret laws. Some examples of our creations are the text on the site, our logo, and our codebase. We grant you a license to use our logo and other copyrights or trademarks to promote your DancePatron page. You can learn more about the correct use of our logo in our Brand Guidelines. You may not otherwise use, reproduce, distribute, perform, publicly display or prepare derivative works of our creations unless we give you permission in writing. Please ask if you have any questions.



To summarize: If we are sued because of your use of or conduct on DancePatron, you have to help pay for it.


You will indemnify us from all losses and liabilities, including legal fees, that arise from these terms or relate to your use of DancePatron. We reserve the right to exclusive control over the defense of a claim covered by this clause. If we use this right then you will help us in our defense. Your obligation to indemnify under this clause also applies to our subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents and third party service providers.


Warranty disclaimer

To summarize: We do our best to make sure DancePatron works as expected, but stuff happens.


DancePatron is provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind. Any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, and any other warranty is excluded to the greatest extent permitted by law. The disclaimers of warranty under this clause also apply to our subsidiaries, affiliates and third party service providers.


Limit of liability

To summarize: If you lose money as a result of using DancePatron, any payment to you is limited to the amount of money we have earned through your use of DancePatron.


To the extent permitted by law, we are not liable to you for any incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of these terms, or your use or attempted use of DancePatron. To the extent permitted by law, our liability for damages is limited to the amount of money we have earned through your use of DancePatron. We are specifically not liable for loss associated with unfulfilled benefits and from losses caused by conflicting contractual agreements. For this clause “we” and “our” is defined to include our subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents and third party service providers.


Dispute resolution

To summarize: If you have a problem please talk to us. Any disputes with us must be resolved in Los Angeles under California law.


We encourage you to contact us if you have an issue. If a dispute does arise out of these terms or in relation to your use of DancePatron, then the dispute will be resolved in the federal or state courts located in San Francisco, California. Both parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the San Francisco courts for the purpose of resolving any such dispute. California law, excluding its conflict of law provisions, governs these terms, all other DancePatron policies, and any dispute that arises between you and DancePatron.